Translate the
following sentence:"Die Generäle beschlossen, Krieg gegen den Feind zu
a. The generals decided to
wage war against the enemy.
b. The generals decided to
wage war with the enemy.
c. The general decided to
wage war on the enemies.
d. The generals decided to
wage war despite the enemy.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ich habe mich entschieden, ihr das Geheimnis zu sagen,
auch wenn sie es vielleicht allen sagen könnte."
a. I decided to tell him the
secret even if he might tell everyone.
b. We decided to tell her
the secret even if she might tell everyone.
c. They decided to tell me
the secret even if I might tell everyone.
d. I decided to tell her the
secret even if she might tell everyone.
e. I decided to tell no one
the secret even though someone had told it to me.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ein Stück dieser dunklen Schokolade hat weniger Milch
als jenes Stück Milchschokolade, welches wiederum weniger Milch enthält als ein
Stück weißer Schokolade."
a. A piece of this dark
chocolate has less milk than that piece of milk chocolate which contains even
less milk than a piece of white chocolate.
b. A piece of that dark
chocolate has less milk than this piece of milk chocolate which contains even
less milk than a piece of white chocolate.
c. This piece of dark
chocolate has less milk than a piece of that milk chocolate which contains even
less milk than the piece of white chocolate.
d. One piece of dark
chocolate has less milk one piece of milk chocolate which contains even less
milk than one piece of white chocolate.
Translate the
following sentence:"Er forderte sie auf, den Hammer stetig zu halten, oder
das Zelt würde zusammenbrechen."
a. She told him to hold the
hammer steady or the tent would collapse.
b. He told her to hold the
hammer steady or the tent would collapse.
c. He told her to hold the
hammer steady or the tent was going to collapse.
d. He told her to hold a
hammer steady or our tent would collapse.
e. None of the above
Translate the
following sentence:"Sie öffnen die Pfirsichbüchse, indem Sie den Deckel
a. You open the peaches by
cutting off the lid.
b. You open the can of
peaches by cutting off the top lid.
c. You open the can of
peaches by cutting under the top of the lid.
d. You open the can of
peaches by cutting around the top of the lid.
e. You open the can of
peaches by cutting under the lid.
Translate the
following sentence:"Nimm mich am Samstag zum Wasser-Park und wir werden
eine Menge Spaß haben."
a. Take us both out to the
water park on Saturday and we'll have a lot of fun.
b. Take us to the water park
on Saturday and you'll have a lot of fun.
c. Take me to the water park
on Saturday and we are going to have a lot of fun.
d. Take me to the water park
on Saturday and we are both going to have a lot of fun.
e. All of the above
Translate the
following sentence:"Der Lehrer sagte der Klasse, dass sie alle sehr
ungezogen gewesen seien."
a. The teacher told the
class that they should all be very naughty.
b. The teacher told the
class that they were all becoming very naughty.
c. The teacher told the
class that they all had been very naughty.
d. The teacher told the
class that they were all being very naughty.
e. The teacher told the
class that they all were becoming very naughty indeed.
Translate the
following sentence:"Auch nachdem die Tunnel repariert waren arbeitete das
U-Bahn-System nicht mit voller Kapazität."
a. The subway system was not
operating at full capacity even after the tunnel was repaired.
b. The subway system was not
operating at full capacity even after the tunnels had been repaired.
c. Even as the tunnels were
repaired, the subway system was operating at full capacity.
d. Even after the tunnels
were repaired, the subway was full and not operating at capacity.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ich war in der Höhle für mehr als fünf Stunden
a. I was trapped in the cave
for over five hours.
b. I was trapped outside the
cave for over five hours.
c. I was trapped down the
precipice for over five hours.
d. I was trapped in front of
the cave for over five hours.
Translate the
following sentence:"In der Vergangenheit erhielten nur glückliche oder
reiche Kinder eine Ausbildung."
a. In the past only happy or
rich children received an education.
b. In the future only lucky
or rich children will receive an education.
c. In the past only lucky or
rich children received an education.
d. In the past only the
lucky and rich children could receive an education.
Translate the
following sentence:"Durch wiederholte Einzelhaft war der gefährliche
Gefangene noch gewaltbereiter geworden."
a. The dangerous prison
convict had become much more ready to use violence due to repeated solitary
b. Brutal solitary
confinement caused the dangerous inmates.
c. Repeated solitary
confinement was used to brutalize the dangerous prisoners.
d. The prison convict was
dangerous during frequent solitary confinement.
e. All of the above
Translate the
following sentence:"Der Chef forderte uns leise und ganz und gar nicht
ärgerlich auf, nach Hause zu gehen."
a. Telling us to leave, the
boss spoke quietly and was not at all angry.
b. After telling us to go
home, the boss spoke quietly but was also very angry.
c. Speaking very quietly,
the boss told us he was not at all angry.
d. The boss quietly and not
angry at all told us to go home.
e. The boss quietly told us
to go home and wasn't angry at all.
Translate the
following sentence:
"Heinrich schob die Schubkarre den Weg entlang bis sie umkippte."
"Heinrich schob die Schubkarre den Weg entlang bis sie umkippte."
a. Heinrich rolled the
wheelbarrow along the path until it toppled over.
b. Heinrich rolled the
wheelbarrow over the path until he toppled over.
c. Heinrich rolled the
wheelbarrow down the path until it toppled over.
d. Heinrich rolled the
wheelbarrow up the path until they both toppled over.
Translate the
following sentence:"Der kleine Ludwig hatte Angst vor den vielen dünnen
Beinen der Spinne."
a. Little Ludwig was scared
by the multiple thin legs of the spider.
b. Little Ludwig was scared
by the multiply thin leg of the spider.
c. Ludwig was scared by the
multiple little legs of the small spider.
d. Little Ludwig was
terrifed by the multiple legs of the thin spider.
Translate the
following sentence:"Nehmen Sie diese Kiste und legen Sie sie auf die
Ladefläche des LKW."
a. Take this box and put it
on the bed of the truck.
b. Put this box in the store
of the truck.
c. Please take this box, and
then put it on the back of the truck.
d. Take this box and put it
in the front of the truck.
e. Take this box and place
yourself near to the back of the truck.
Translate the
following sentence:"Wegen des Diagramms konnte der kleine Junge seine
Hausaufgaben schnell beenden."
a. Due to the diagram the
small boy was able to quickly complete his homework.
b. The diagrams helped the
boy to quickly complete his small amount of homework.
c. The diagram helped the
small boy to quickly continue his homework.
d. The quick diagram helped
the small boy to complete his homework.
Translate the
following sentence:"Helga blieb bei uns für fast zwei Monate oder waren es
zehn Wochen?"
a. Helga will stay with us
for almost two months, or is it ten weeks?
b. Helga stayed with us for
almost two months or was it ten weeks?
c. Helga stayed with us for
more than two months or was it ten weeks?
d. Helga stayed with us for
about ten weeks, or was it two months?
Translate the
following sentence:"Berta flüsterte, dass wir alle eine Beförderung
bekommen würden."
a. Berta whispered that we
were going to get a promotion.
b. Berta whispered that we
were all going to get a promotion.
c. Some of us are going to
get a promotion, whispered Berta.
d. Berta might be whispering
that we were all going to get a promotion.
e. Berta could be getting a
promotion according to all our whispering.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ritt rief, dass er das Tennisspiel nicht habe
verlieren sollen."
a. Ritt cried out that she
shouldn't have lost the tennis match.
b. Ritt shouted that she
shouldn't have lost the tennis match.
c. Ritt cried out that he
should have won the tennis match.
d. Ritt cried out that he
won't lose the tennis match.
e. Ritt cried that he
shouldn't have lost the tennis match.
Translate the
following sentence:"Der Porsche kann von 0 km/h auf 95 km/h in weniger als
3 Sekunden beschleunigen."
a. This Porsche can
accelerate from 0-60 mph in approximately 3 seconds.
b. This Porsche can
accelerate from 0-60 mph in less than 3 seconds.
c. The Porsche is able to
accelerate from 0 mph to 95 mph in less than 3 seconds.
d. The Porsche is able to
accelerate from 0 mph to 60 mph in less than 3 seconds.
e. The Porsche is able to
accelerate from 0 mph to 60 mph in just over 3 seconds.
Translate the
following sentence:"Nachdem sie sich mit einer unverschämten Hochzeitsrede
in Verlegenheit gebracht hatte, verließ Rille eilig das Zimmer."
a. Having embarrassed
herself with a rude wedding speech, Rille ran from the room in a hurry.
b. Having embarrassed
herself with a rude wedding speech, Rille left the room in a hurry.
c. Having embarrassed us all
with a rude wedding speech, Rille left the room in a hurry.
d. Embarrassing herself with
a rude wedding speech, Rille left the room in a hurry.
Translate the
following sentence:"Wir drei - Tom, Clara und ich - jagten dem Taxi die
Straße entlang hinterher."
a. The three of you - Tom,
Clara and I - chased the taxi all the way down the street.
b. The three of us - Tom,
Clara and me - chased the taxis all the way up the street.
c. The four of us - Tom,
Clara and us - chased a taxi all the way down the street.
d. The three of us - Tom,
Clara and I - chased the taxi all the way down the street.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ich bin heute ziemlich froh, da das Wetter erstaunlich
gut werden soll."
a. I am very glad today
because the weather is really amazing.
b. I am quite glad today
because the weather is forecasted to be amazing.
c. I'm quite glad because
the weather is supposed to become amazing today.
d. Today I am glad because
the weather is supposed to be quite amazing.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ich lese selten viel wenn ich mich schläfrig
a. I read a lot even when
I'm feeling sleepy.
b. I rarely read when I'm
feeling very sleepy.
c. When I'm feeling sleepy I
read a rare amount.
d. I rarely read a lot when
I'm feeling sleepy.
Translate the
following sentence:"Setz dich hin und sei ruhig, sonst wirst du nie etwas
a. Do sit down and keep
quiet or you won't learn anything.
b. Sit down and keep quiet
or you are never going to learn anything.
c. Sit there and keep still
or you won't learn anything.
d. Sit and keep still or you
are never going to learn much.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ich entschied mich, Mark nicht zurück ins Haus zu
lassen, weil ich ihm nicht vertraute."
a. I decided to let Mark
back into the house because I trusted him.
b. I decided not to let Mark
back into the house because he didn't trust me.
c. I decided not to let Mark
back into the house because I didn't trust him.
d. I decided not to let Mark
into the house because I didn't trust him yet.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ja, natürlich die Note 2- ist besser als eine
a. Yes, a B- grade is always
better than a C+.
b. Yes, of course a B+ grade
is better than a C-.
c. Yes, of course a B- grade
is better than a C+.
d. Yes, of course your B- is
better than your C+.
e. Yes, of course the B-
grade is better than the C+.
Translate the
following sentence:"Wenn wir alle zusammenarbeiten vergeht die Zeit
a. If we all work together
time will fly past.
b. If we all work together,
this time will go a lot faster.
c. If we work together time
will all go faster.
d. If we work more together,
the time will go a lot faster.
e. Work harder and the time
will go faster, I can assure you.
Translate the
following sentence:"Wir feierten meinen Geburtstag mit einer Tour nach
a. We once celebrated my
birthday on a road trip to Frankfurt.
b. We'll celebrate my
birthday by going on a road trip to Frankfurt.
c. We could celebrate my
birthday by going on a road trip to Frankfurt.
d. We celebrated my birthday
by going on a road trip to Frankfurt.
Translate the
following sentence:
"Soll ich diese linke Auffahrt oder eher eine rechte Abfahrt nehmen?"
"Soll ich diese linke Auffahrt oder eher eine rechte Abfahrt nehmen?"
a. Shall I take this left
ramp or rather a right run-out?
b. Shall I take this ramp to
the left or rather a run-out to the right?
c. Shall I take a ramp to
the left or rather a run-out to the right?
d. Shall I take that ramp to
the left or rather a run-out to the right?
Translate the
following sentence:
"Rinehart fragte sich wie weit die nächsten Sterne von der Erde entfernt seien."
"Rinehart fragte sich wie weit die nächsten Sterne von der Erde entfernt seien."
a. Rinehart used to wonder
how far away from the earth were the nearest stars.
b. Rinehart wondered how
far away earth was from the nearby stars.
c. Rinehart wondered how far
away the nearby stars were from earth.
d. Rinehart wondered how far
we were from the earth's nearest stars.
e. I asked Gerhardt how far
away are the earth's nearest stars?
Translate the
following sentence:"Alice und ich teilten uns die Flasche kalten
a. Alice and I shared the
bottle of cold beer.
b. Alice and I shared the
cold bottle of beer.
c. Alice and I parted the
bottle of bleak beer.
d. Alice and I forked the
frigid bottle of beer.
Translate the
following sentence:"Die Schuhe waren drei Wochen lang unter dem Bett
a. The shoes were hidden
under the bed for three weeks.
b. The shoes were hidden
down the bed for three weeks.
c. The shoes were hidden
underneath the bed for over three weeks.
d. The shoes were hidden for
three weeks but not under the bed.
e. The shoes were hidden
down the back of the bed for three weeks.
Translate the
following sentence:"Ihre Einkaufstaschen nehmend verließ Heidi das
Einkaufszentrum so schnell wie möglich."
a. Having grabbed her
shopping bags, Heidi left the shopping mall as fast as possible.
b. Grabbing her shopping
bags, Heidi left the shopping mall as fast as possible.
c. Having taken her shopping
bag, Heidi left the shopping mall as fast as possible.
d. Grabbing her shopping
bags, Heidi left the shopping mall as fast as she could.
Translate the
following sentence:"In der Zukunft wird das Internet sehr viel direkter
mit unseren Gehirnen interagieren."
a. In the future the
Internet will more directly interact with our minds.
b. In the future the
Internet will directly interact with our brains.
c. In the future the Internet
is going to interact much more directly with our brains.
d. In the future the
Internets will more directly interact with our brains.
Translate the
following sentence:
"Im Vergleich zur Teetasse war der Teekessel immernoch heiß."
"Im Vergleich zur Teetasse war der Teekessel immernoch heiß."
a. Next to the tea cup, the
kettle was still hot.
b. Next to the cup of tea,
the kettle is still hot.
c. Next to the cup of tea,
the kettle will still be hot.
d. Next to the tea cup the
kettle was still hot.
Translate the
following sentence:"Der Erfinder verzweifelte daran jemals den Regenschirm
zu erfinden."
a. The inventors despair of
ever inventing the umbrella.
b. The inventor despaired of
inventing the umbrella ever.
c. The inventor despaired of
ever inventing the umbrella.
d. An inventor was
despairing of ever inventing the umbrella.
e. None of the above
Translate the
following sentence:"Eine Minute hat sechzig Sekunden, aber ein Tag hat nur
vierundzwanzig Stunden."
a. A minutaire has sixty
secundas but a tag has only fourty-two hours.
b. A minute has sixty
secundas but a day has only twenty four hours.
c. A minute has sixteen
seconds but a day has only twenty-four hours.
d. A minute has sixty
seconds but a day has only twenty-four hours.
e. Just as there are sixty
seconds in a minute, there are twenty-four hours in a day.
Translate the
following sentence:"Schnelleres Schwimmen machte Arnold schneller müde,
aber schließlich erreichte er doch den Strand."
a. Running faster made
Arnold more tired, but at last he arrived at the sea.
b. Swimming faster made
Arnold less tired, and at last he arrived at the beach.
c. Swimming faster tired
Arnold faster, but at last he arrived at the beach.
d. Arnold swam faster and
became more tired, but at last he arrived at the beach.
e. None of the above
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