Whenever the iPhone
users switch to another application like answering the phone, or checking their
email, the application they were previously using __________.
a. quits
b. keeps running
c. resumes as soon as the
other application is terminated
d. may or may not resume
depending on the application
Is OpenAL available
on the iPhone?
a. Yes
b. No
Which of the
following is a feature of CAPropertyAnimation class in Core Animation?
a. It is an abstract
subclass that provides support for animating a layer property specified by a
key path
b. It allows an array of
animation objects to be grouped together and run concurrently
c. It provides simple
interpolation for a layer property
d. It provides a transition
effect that affects the entire layer's content. It fades, pushes, or reveals
layer content when animating
How can you play
video on the iPhone from your application?
a. With QuickTime
b. With OpenGL ES
c. With the MediaPlayer
d. With VideoCodecServices
In your iPhone
application, you want that the user should be able to select the date in Month,
Day and Year mode. You have a UIDatePicker class object named dateModePicker.
Which of the following code snippets is correct in order to apply this mode?
a. [ dateModePicker
setDatePickerMode: 0 ];
b. [ dateModePicker
setDatePickerMode: 1 ];
c. [ dateModePicker
setDatePickerMode: 2 ];
d. [ dateModePicker
setDatePickerMode: 3 ];
What happens if
Xcode is not able to find a file or folder at the path defined for it in the project?
a. Xcode skips the file
or the folder and continues execution.
b. Xcode gives an alert with
a description of the missing file.
c. Xcode displays the item
in red in the project window.
Does ABPersonCreate
function add the newly created record into the address book?
a. Yes
b. No
Can you place calls
using the iPhone SDK?
a. Yes
b. No
Which of the
following statements regarding Objective-C are correct?
a. In Objective-C, the
keyword for NULL is nil.
b. In Objective-C,
#import and #include compiler directives carry out the same operations.
c. In Objective-C, for
the object-oriented constructs (such as method return values), id is the
default data type.
d. The keyword nil has an
id with a value of 0.
While recording a
sound, how can you know if the source of the sound is from the built-in
microphone or headphone microphone?
a. With the NSSound class
method named audioSource
b. With the
AudioQueueGetParameters function
c. By querying the registry
d. By polling for audio
e. iPhone OS 2.1 version
does not support sound recording.
What can trigger a
call to touchesCancelled:withEvent: ?
a. The user lifting all
fingers from the phone
b. A system event, such as a
phone call
c. The user lifting one or
more fingers from the phone
d. This method doesn't exist
e. None of the above
What kinds of
current device orientations are provided by the UIDevice class?
a. orientation
d. uniqueIdentifier
Which of the following
samples returns the first name of a person listed under p in the address book?
a. ABPersonGetValue(p,
b. ABPersonCopyValue(p,
c. ABRecordGetValue(p,
d. ABRecordCopyValue(p, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
e. [p firstName];
What is the screen
resolution of the iPhone 3G?
a. 720x540
b. 480x320
c. 320x240
d. 540x280
e. 540x480
When the genstrings
tool discovers a key string used more than once in a single strings file, it:
a. deletes the comments from
the individual entries and leaves one comment string without generating a
b. merges the comments
from the individual entries into one comment string and generates a warning.
c. differentiates the
comments from the individual entries into various strings and generates a
d. None of the above
How many windows
does an iPhone application typically have?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 10
e. None of the above
State whether the
following statement is true or false:
Interface Builder doesn't generate source code
Interface Builder doesn't generate source code
a. True
b. False
While opening Nib
files, which of the following should not be ignored?
a. Objects in a Nib file
typically have connections between them that should not be broken.
b. If Objects in a Nib
file have broken connections, they should not be restored.
c. The size of the files.
d. None of the above
In which file is
the following function called in your application?
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
a. info.plist
b. Any file with .m
c. main.m only
d. Any file with .h
e. ControllerView file
f. Nib file
Which of the
following options regarding UIWindow and UIView classes are correct?
a. A UIWindow class object
holds the contents of a UIView class object.
b. A UIWindow class object
can hold multiple sub-objects whereas a UIView class object can hold only one
c. Both UIWindow and
UIView classes are required to display anything on the iPhone.
d. UIWindow is the iPhone's
base window class and the UIView class is primarily an abstract super-class.
Which of the
following shapes is generated by Views in an iPhone?
a. Rectangular
b. Square
c. Rhombus
d. All of the above
What is the purpose
of active executable in an Xcode project?
a. To specify which program
is launched and how, when you run or debug from within Xcode.
b. To select the appropriate
configuration of the active target and each target it depends upon while
c. To define different build
configurations for different circumstances such as development or release.
d. To build products for
Multiple Platforms.
Which of the
following methods does the UIKit provide in order to draw a string at a
specific point.
a. NSString
b. drawAtPoint:
c. drawAsPatternInRect
d. All of the above
Which of the
following directives are used to declare and define classes, categories, and
a. @interface
b. @implementation
c. @protocol
d. @class
e. @end
Which of the
following best describes View Controllers?
a. View Controllers provide
access to data.
b. View Controllers
implement Views' inner logic.
c. View Controllers regulate
Views' animations.
d. View Controllers provide
the basic user interface logic for presenting numerous application views to the
e. None of the above
How can you restrict
the delivery of multi-touch events to their subviews
a. You can't
b. By manually redirecting
events from the event handlers
c. By overriding
d. By registering the
subview in the notification center
e. None of the above
Which of the
following is not a touch event method?
a. -
(void)touchesDragged:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
b. -
(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
c. -
(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
d. - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet
*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
e. -
(void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
Which of the
following should be used to draw 3D content?
a. OpenGL
b. OpenGL ES
c. Direct 3D
d. None of the above
Are instances of
ABAddressBookRef thread safe?
a. Yes
b. No
What is the default
value for the anchorPoint property in Layer Geometry?
a. (0.0,0.0)
b. (0.0,0.5)
c. (0.5,0.0)
d. (0.5,0.5)
e. (1.0,1.0)
In which language
is the address book framework written?
a. Objective-C
b. C
c. C++
d. Ruby
e. Java
The most effective
way to ensure that users have a positive application-switching experience is to
a. enhance the launch
time of the application to the maximum
b. reduce the memory space
allocated to all applications
c. pare the launch time of
the application to the minimum
d. disable any unused
Which of the
following statements regarding Memory Management are correct?
a. The alloc method creates
a new object and returns it with a reference count of 1
b. retain does not change
the receiver's reference count
c. release decreases the
receiver's reference count by 1
d. autorelease decreases the
receiver's reference count by 1 at some point in the future
e. copy makes a copy of an
object and increases the reference count by 1
Which of the
following statements comply with the fundamental rules of Memory Managementin
a. The ownership of the
object is taken when it is created using a method the name of which begins with
alloc or new or contains copy.
b. The ownership of the
objects is relinquished by using release or autorelease
c. All other objects can
also be released from memory using the release function.
d. autorelease just means -
send a release message later
How can you create
an OpenGL ES texture with a .png image?
a. Using UIImage glTexture
b. Using UIImageBitmapRep
c. Using
CGContextDrawImage in a CGBitmapContext
d. You can't
e. None of the above
The genstrings tool
can parse __________.
a. C files with .c
filename extension.
b. Objective-C files with
.m filename extension.
c. Java code files with
.java filename extension.
d. Nib files with any file
name extension.
Which of the
following is true?
a. An application thread
can have only one NSAutoreleasePool
b. NSAutoreleasePool is
thread safe
c. NSAutoreleasePool should
not be used outside the main thread
d. Each thread maintains its
own stack of NSAutoreleasePool objects
e. None is true
Given the string
"", how can you get an integer address (to fill a
sockaddr_in structure)?
a. With inet_ntoa
b. With inet_aton
c. With NSString
d. All addresses are in
ASCII format
e. None of the above
What are universal
binaries in Xcode?
a. These are executable
files that can contain code and data for more than one architecture.
b. These are file references
which are generated by the target, such as an application.
c. These are indexes that
contain symbolic information for your project.
d. These are used to specify
build location settings.
On the iPhone, what
are the types of Person entries and Group entries?
a. ABPersonRef and
b. ABPerson and ABGroup
c. ABRecordRef and
d. ABRecord and ABRecord
e. None of the above
Which of the
following statement is incorrect with regard to Object Ownership in Memory
a. An object may have one or
more owners
b. An object is owned by the
user if it is created using alloc
c. If an object is
copied, the retain count is returned as 0
d. If an object has no
owners, its retain count drops to 0
What is the
CompressResources build step in an iPhone Xcode project?
a. It resizes all the files
in the project for displaying them in the iPhone.
b. It resizes the png
files in the project for displaying them in the iPhone.
c. It compresses the files with
the extensions .m and .h.
d. It changes the extension
of the files and compresses them.
Which of the
following classes automatically manages transition
animation between Views?
animation between Views?
a. UIAnimationController
b. UIViewAnimation
c. CGViewAnimation
d. UIApplicationDelegate
e. UINavigationController
From which of the
following classes does a UITextView class object inherit its features?
a. UIScroller
b. UIView
c. UIControl
d. UITextField
Which of the
following need to be modified while localizing an application?
a. Nib files (windows,
views, menus).
b. Static text.
c. Icons and graphics.
d. Dynamic text generated
by your program.
Are multiple
touches enabled by default?
a. Yes
b. No
Which of the
following SDK classes can be used to get the location of the movement of a
finger on the iPhone screen?
a. UINavigationController
b. UIEvent
c. UITouch
d. UIView
Which of the
following terms are related to Memory Management in Objective-C?
a. alloc
b. mutableCopy
c. delete
d. release
Which of the
following classes will be used to embbed web content in an iPhone application?
a. UIWebView
b. UIViewController
c. UINavigationController
d. UITabBarController
Which design
pattern for your application periodically sends messages to another object to
ask for input or to notify that an event is occurring?
a. Model-View-Controller
b. Delegation
c. Target-action
What is the
endianness of the network for IP communications?
a. Big endian
b. Little endian
c. Mixed endian
d. Swapped endian
e. Single endian
If the code is
written using the Core Foundation and Foundation macros, the simplest way to
create strings files is:
a. Using an option in the
Preferences panel of Interface Builder.
b. By merging the comments
from the individual entries into one comment string.
c. By unlocking all
d. By using the
genstrings command-line tool.
Which of the
following is the correct syntax for declaring a class in Objective-C?
a. @interface ClassName :
instance variable declarations
method declarations
instance variable declarations
method declarations
b. @implementation ClassName
: ItsSuperclass
instance variable declarations
method declarations
instance variable declarations
method declarations
c. @class ClassName :
instance variable declarations
method declarations
instance variable declarations
method declarations
d. All are correct
Can you use POSIX
threads on the iPhone?
a. Yes
b. No
Which of the
following events occur when the retain count of the object drops to 0?
a. The release method is
fired to relinquish the ownership of the object.
b. The object is
c. The dealloc method is
invoked automatically
d. The resources
associated with it are disposed
Choose the correct
To "flip"
your user interface:
a. use the
standardViewTransition:forInterface:Cache: method of the UIView class, and
provide the appropriate constant to specify the flip direction.
b. use the
setAnimationTransition:forView:Cache: method of the UIView class, and provide
the appropriate constant to specify the flip direction.
c. use the setUICatalog:forView:Cache:
method of the UIView class reference, and provide the appropriate constant to
specify the flip direction.
d. The user interface can
not be flipped
Which of the
following classes is used to internalize an XML into a logical tree structure?
a. NSData class
b. NSXMLDocument class
c. NSXMLNode class
NSPropertyListSerialization class
Which of the
following debugging environments are provided by Xcode to find and squash bugs
in your code?
a. Debugging from the
text editor
b. Mini Debugger
c. Debugger window
d. GDB debugger console
e. All of the above
What does
CFSocketGetNative return?
a. A CF opaque type
b. A POSIX socket handle
c. A native Cocoa object
d. A binary representation
of the socket incoming data in machine native endian
e. None of the above
Can your
application change the global sound volume?
a. Yes
b. No
Locking all
connections before editing the Nib files can be achieved by using:
a. An option in the Start
b. An option in the
Preferences panel of Interface Builder.
c. An option in the
Preferences panel of Language Directory.
d. Any of the above.
Can non-main
threads poll for events?
a. Yes
b. No
Which of the
following languages can be used to write the code for Xcode projects?
a. C
b. C++
c. Objective-C
d. Objective-C++
e. Java
If you try to run
an application in the iPhone Simulator without having created the
ControllerView Nib file, what will happen?
a. The application will
b. The application will run
c. If you set the Nib
file name to nil using initWithNibName:nil, the application will run
d. The application will
take time to load
Is NSMutableArray
thread safe?
a. Yes
b. No
Using the following
function, what will you get from the default database?
NSUserDefaults* defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSArray* languages = [defs objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
NSString* preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
NSUserDefaults* defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSArray* languages = [defs objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
NSString* preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
a. The list of preferred
b. The user's preferred
c. The user's default
d. The list of languages
supported by the application.
The UIView class
provides a function called setAlpha which adjusts the transparency of a view.
Which of the following are valid code snippets with regard to setting
transparency of a view? It is provided that appView is an object of UIView
a. [ appView setAlpha:
0.5 ];
b. [ appView setAlpha:
0.6 ];
c. [ appView setAlpha: 1.5
d. [ appView setAlpha: 1
Which of the
following debugging tasks are provided by Xcode to find and squash bugs in your
a. Add and set breakpoints.
b. View your call stack per
c. View the value of
variables by hovering the mouse pointer over them.
d. Execute a single line of
e. All of the above
What is the
function of the Code Sense feature in Xcode?
a. Code Sense helps in
switching between different circumstances such as development or release.
b. Code Sense maintains an
index that contains important information for your project.
c. Code Sense creates a
cache for the files which are being used frequently.
d. Code Sense maintains
an index of files used in a project.
Which type of data
is returned by the following function?
CFDataRef CreateDataFromImage(UIImage *image)
return CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(image.CGImage));
CFDataRef CreateDataFromImage(UIImage *image)
return CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(image.CGImage));
a. Binary image data.
b. Raw pixel data.
c. Compressed image data.
d. ASCII image data.
Can you play two
MP3 sound file at the same time on the iPhone?
a. Yes
b. No
In your iPhone
application, you want to apply an action sheet style that will display white text with transparent black
background whenever a confirmation is required from the user. You have a
UIActionSheet class object named "actionuser". Which of the following
code snippets is the right one for applying this style?
a. [ actionuser
setActionSheetStyle: 0 ];
b. [ actionuser
setActionSheetStyle: 1 ];
c. [ actionuser
setActionSheetStyle: 2 ];
d. [ actionuser
setActionSheetStyle: 3 ];
Which of the
following are the Derivative types defined in Objective-C?
a. short
b. long
c. long long
d. int
While using an
iPhone, a user switches from one application to another application or service
on the device. What is the most important factor to be kept in mind to ensure
that your application reflects the most recent changes made by the user the
next time it starts?
a. The user should be asked
to click save and close from the start menu
b. The user should be asked
to close your application
c. The application should
be programmed to save any user changes as they are made as quickly as possible.
d. No specific consideration
in this regard is necessary
Which of the
following is the base class for all iPhone applications?
a. UIActionSheet
b. UIApplication
c. UIControl
d. UIApplicationDelegate
How can you prevent
a view from receiving touch events?
a. By overriding UIResponder
relevant methods
b. By setting
userInteractionEnabled to false
c. By setting
shouldDeliverEvent to false
d. You can't
e. None of the above
Is NSRunLoop thread
a. Yes
b. No
What is the default
setting to refer to file locations in your Xcode project?
a. Relative to Build Product
b. Relative to Project
c. Relative to Enclosing
d. Relative to
e. Absolute Path
Can CGGradientRef
be used on the iPhone to draw gradients?
a. Yes
b. No
By which of the
following methods can an NSAutoreleasePool object be created?
a. autorelease
b. alloc
c. copy
d. retain
In the CALayer
class, the property contentsGravity allows you to position and scale the
layer's contents image within the layer bounds. What is the role of the
kCAGravityLeft positioning constant in contentsGravity?
a. It positions the
content image in the top left corner of the layer.
b. It positions the content
image vertically centered on the left edge of the layer.
c. It positions the content
image in the bottom left corner of the layer.
d. It positions the content
image at the center of the layer.
If you want to know
if a host is reachable via the network, what would you use in your application?
a. ping
b. NSURL isReachable: method
c. NSNetwork discover:
d. SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName
e. None of the above
Can the iPhone use
Bonjour messaging?
Which of the
following can be used to draw a tiled image?
a. Quartz 2D function
b. UIViews
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a not b
You have added the
following code lines in your @implementation block in your ControllerView file:
@synthesize textField;
@synthesize label;
@synthesize string;
And in your dealloc method, you have added the following code lines:
- (void)dealloc {
[textField release];
[label release];
[string release];
[super dealloc];
What is the purpose of adding the above lines in your dealloc method?
@synthesize textField;
@synthesize label;
@synthesize string;
And in your dealloc method, you have added the following code lines:
- (void)dealloc {
[textField release];
[label release];
[string release];
[super dealloc];
What is the purpose of adding the above lines in your dealloc method?
a. To release the
instance variables
b. To conform to the
rules of memory management
c. To make the variables
available for reuse in application
d. To terminate the program
Which of the
following are valid touch attributes in a UITouch class object?
a. locationInView
b. timestamp
c. phase
d. tapCount
What is the default
setting to refer to file locations in your Xcode project?
a. Relative to Build Product
b. Relative to Project
c. Relative to Enclosing
d. Relative to <source
e. Absolute Path
In which of the
following classes are the addChild, insertChild, and removeChildAtIndex methods
a. NSXMLElement Class
b. NSXMLNode Class
c. NSXMLDocument class
NSPropertyListSerialization class
Before editing the
Nibs, one should:
a. Unlock all connections.
b. Lock all connections.
c. Break all connections.
d. None of the above
How do you play a
short sound on the iPhone?
a. With the NSSound class
b. With the UISound class
c. With
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound function
d. With NSSystemSound
e. None of the above
Can you use POSIX
sockets on the iPhone?
Which of the
following is true?
a. Every thread has multiple
run loops
b. Every application has one
and only one run loop
c. Every process has one and
only one run loop
d. Every thread has multiple
run loops in a single mode
e. Every thread has one and
only one run loop
do you a list of answers to iphone 4.0 test of odesk?